Today is Spring Day in Mzansi and I don’t know about you, but I genuinely cannot wait to get my ‘sneeze’ on. Yes, part of embracing the beauties of the season of Spring for some of us means planning out the next dosage of antihistamine medication because of all the pollen in the air. But I’m not complaining because it beats having to endure a crisp winter cold treating me like a stuffed can of beer in a deep freezer.

“I think of our country as a canvas of unspoken splendours that we take for granted.”

You see, there’s so much beauty to celebrate in our country. And many of its illustrations are simply shown through nature and its admired seasons. I think of our country as a canvas of unspoken splendours that we take for granted. Simply because we rob ourselves of the opportunity to truly grasp what it all means to be surrounded by genuine beauty that is all around. When is the last time you looked at the skies and the majestic birds, the ants and their meticulous ways, the plants and their alluring features…? When was the last time you enjoyed the benevolence that came with being a human soul in search of something profound and worthy of sincere petition just from a glimpse of nature? It’s never too late to start a special seasonal tradition of your own.

Spring has sprung and we don’t need political validation for it

From enjoying the sunset at the Winelands to taking a few bushveld hikes on sunny days whilst planning a ‘lekker’ braai ahead of the afternoon, South Africans never lose their sense of adventure, lifestyle or fun. Especially when awakened by a season catering for it. There is so much to do and plenty to taste, yet the only thing that seems to be lacking right now is the spirit of it all. How could we be in good spirits when the Coronavirus has robbed the people of the joys, and, instead, they were compensated with pains and burdens of what to eat the next day? What about the disruptions of the country, which have caused many to lose jobs and livelihoods, and all they have ever known? How can anybody be in season of anything uplifting, really?

Happy new month

I am reminded of a loved family member of mine who would wish me a happy month every time we started a new one. Whether it was a cold Winter month or a blazing Summer day, he would never miss the opportunity to wish me. It was not a big deal for me, to be honest, but yet I could not understand why he fussed over it so much. It was not till I had realised the reason he does it is that, for him, new seasons are symbolic of new beginnings of self.

“Each month is a representation of a new chapter and a refilled pen.”

New beginnings of self mean reaching new heights in a month that is gifted to you. Only this time the emphasis is not necessarily on trying to achieve materialistic or fleeting goals. Rather, it is on trying to reach a state of contentment which, in turn, produces a joyous heart. Each month is a representation of a new chapter and a refilled pen. Each day of that new month is narrated by your life and how you would want to take control.

No politics involved.

No laws involved.

Just you being in control of you.

Therefore, the season of Spring may not mean much to you, it may not even be your favourite season. But it just may be the change that you have always needed. And that change awaits the blossoming of your command.

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